アウトレット ラスト1点 訳あり Bランク ディースクエアード DSQUARED2 スニーカー グレー メンズ カジュアル ワケアリ snm0110 1680 m137 NEW RUNNER HIKING 返品交換不可 人気定番,新作
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アクティノ ランニングGPSウォッチ WT300 レッド 1台 アクティノ 大得価,限定SALE
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フォーカル スーパースコープ FC-201S マゼンタ 1コ入 フォーカル 高品質,豊富な
かかとやすり NudiFeet Stick 1個入 限定SALE,品質保証
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アタックZERO 洗濯洗剤 ドラム式専用 詰め替え 340g*6袋セット アタックZERO 安い,人気SALE
アサヒペン インテリアカラー 浴室カベ用 ライトグリーン 1.6L アサヒペン お買い得,100%新品
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大きな木のムシ忍城 1セット
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NEWCASTLE CLASSICS コットンスワドル Forest friends 1枚 ニューキャッスルクラシックス 新作登場,低価
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アサヒペン インテリアカラー 浴室カベ用 ペールグリーン 1.6L*3個セット アサヒペン HOT,お買い得
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アサヒペン 水性ステイン ホワイト 2L アサヒペン 新作,大得価
ニュークリアコレクションケース W400UV クリアー 1コ入 KENPO_12
エレコム 防塵ラック SDS まもる君Lookup キャスタースタンド 55インチ用 LU-CS55 代引不可 最新作,爆買い
イル ブセット SHOEHORN 靴べら ブラウン 1個 Il Bussetto イル ブセット 100%新品,人気セール
アツギ ストッキング 引きしめて美しく 夏 スキニーベージュ L-LL 3足組入*3個セット アツギ ATSUGI 新作登場,新作
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三菱 リビング扇風機 ピュアホワイト R30J-DW-W 1台 100%新品,2020
NEWCASTLE CLASSICS バンブーリトルブランケット HotAirBalloon & PencilStrip 1枚 ニューキャッスルクラシックス SALE,HOT
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アサヒペン NEWインテリアカラー浴室壁 パールホワイト 1.6L アサヒペン SALE,正規品
アリエール 洗濯洗剤 液体 プラチナスポーツ 本体 750g*9本セット アリエール
インコテックススラックス INCOTEX SLACKS イージーパンツ グレー メンズ 大きいサイズあり 11s123 40662 936 TAPERED FIT 返品送料無料 ラッピング無料 限定セール,お得
ウタマロ 洗濯用石けん 133g*80個セット ウタマロ 100%新品,格安
ビクセン 双眼鏡 アリーナHD8×21WP グリーン 1台 高品質,豊富な
メディキュット フワッとキュッと パジャマレギンス ネイビーグレー Lサイズ 1足 メディキュット QttO 最安値,人気
アウトレット ディースクエアード DSQUARED2 スニーカー レッド メンズ プレゼント ギフト レザー 本革 カジュアル snm0101 71800001 m974 251 返品送料無料 ラッピング無料 190321 人気,送料無料
アサヒペン 外カベ ブロック塀補修材 C003 グレー 4kg*3個セット アサヒペン 人気SALE,2020
新機能 たためる8連ハンガー 10個セット 低価,豊富な
GAONA 真空パイプクリーナフルセット GA-KK005 1セット GAONA 2020,正規品
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サザック フリース着ぐるみ スーパーマリオ マリオ 子供用 BAN-057F 110cm 1コ入 新作登場,送料無料
サラヤ ヤシノミ洗剤 野菜 食器用 200ml*28個セット ヤシノミ洗剤 新作入荷,新作登場
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ミニーマウス やわらかバケツ SQ16 チェリーピンク 30個セット 2020,人気
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スコッティ フラワーパック 2倍巻き トイレット 50mダブル 12ロール*4袋セット スコッティ SCOTTIE お得,限定セール
シルイ カーボン 一脚 P-326 1本入 豊富な,送料無料
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ベビービョルン ベビーキャリア MOVE エアリーメッシュ アンスラサイト 1個 ベビービョルン BABY BJORN 驚きの破格値,新作
ガーデンツールバケット 10L グリーン 24個セット 爆買い,格安
YM3005 国産 ヤク毛布 送料無料 代引き不可 限定セール,新作登場
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ヒッチコック セット 1セット 品質保証,大得価
花柄ローンオーバーブラウス ブラック LL 1枚入 人気,定番人気
デスモアプロ トレータイプ 15g*4トレー*2箱セット デスモア 新品
DIY・ガーデン, キッズ&ベビー
キッズ&ベビー, キッチン用品
キッチン用品, ダイエット・健康
ダイエット・健康, チャリティー
チャリティー, デスク
香水が登場です, デスク
日用品, 皮革・靴ケア用品
化粧美容用品, 家電, 寝具
家電, 寝具, 掃除・洗濯
メンズバッグ, 寝具, 掃除・洗濯
メンズバッグ, メンズファッション小物
メンズバッグ, チャリティー
文具・卓上用品, 日用品

We Supply Custom T-Shirt Printing

 Since 2003 we have been printing Custom T-Shirts and perfecting our craft. There is a reason why major brands trust us with their projects. 

We love what we do and we get it done. 

Our T-Shirt Printing Services

MINIMUM ORDER | 24 UNITS    5-14 Business Day Turnaround Time   Rushes Available

You can place an order directly online or if you want, we can assist every step of the way. All we need to get started is a few key details

This is one of our Best Selling Style T-Shirts. It's the Bella Canvas Unisex 100% Airlume combed & Ring Spun Cotton T-Shirt. It's so soft, it will make you so happy!

Available in 90 Colors!! Comes up to a 5XL!

Introducing the "TAP TEE"

Tap the NFC chip with your smartphone to launch a website, app, video or social media post programmed with your unique experience
Target your market: There are endless marketing and promo opportunities
Assemble your digital media: Build out your digital experience, which can evolve over time
Program the chip: Using the Threadfast NFC Connect app, easily program the chip in seconds
Requires additional production day to program the NFC chip

High  Volume, Quick Turnaround, Top Notch Quality

Spot Color Screen Print

This is the easiest most cost effective option when printing shirts. Looking to save on budget? 

Just do a 1 Color Imprint

Vintage Distressed Print

A distressed print appears cracked and broken. There are various types of distressed styles to choose from (cracked or stamped, for example)

This technique is great for recreating an aged, retro, or antique look while adding interest to any logo.

Jumbo Screen Print

Smaller than an all-over prints, jumbo screen prints still typically fill up the front of the shirt but do not extend out to the edges of the sleeves.

Jumbo printing is an economical way to get a large print.

All Over Belt Imprint

Creativity has no limits; express yours with unique, all-over prints that cover the entire shirt. Belt or Overall Prints consist of printing the garment, mostly t-shirts, to achieve the look of having 100% coverage, with artwork that prints over the seams, sometimes including the collar, the sleeves, the hem or all of the above.

Water-based ink is used in this process for a soft-to-the-touch feel. This printing technique is only a one-color print but can be combined with other techniques. The finished result will give your apparel a custom retail look

Wrap Screen-Printing

Wrap Prints involve a multicolored/multi-positioned design that gives the impression of the artwork wrapping around the garment when worn.

Normal print positions are front-left to back or front-right to back. Maximum imprint area is 16″ x 18″, depending on the style and size of the shirt, and needs to be 1” to 2” away from the armpit seam.

Simulated Print

Simulated 4-Color Process uses spot color inks (solid, opaque colors) and halftones to achieve a photorealistic look. This technique generally requires the use of an under-base to achieve brighter and more vivid colors. This is most often used to print complex images onto black and dark-colored garments. 

HiRes AccuColor Screenprint

Our proprietary four-color screen-printing process, HiRes AccuColor consistently blows away the competitions simulated or standard four-color process prints. Our HiRes AccuColor prints are printed at 120lpi versus the competition at 65 lpi. That gives your logo the highest quality and detail on a screen printed logo that really pops! There are no higher quality prints on the market today. This high-definition screen printing process allows photorealistic designs to be printed directly onto garments, a perfect choice for photography-dependent designs

Wrap Screen-Printing

Over-the-Seam/Zipper & Custom artwork is rendered to meet custom positions. (E.g. On the hood, over the shoulder area, over the zipper, inside the hood, etc.) Artwork needs to be created to allow for space between the hood and back imprint. In order to achieve good image detail and ink penetration into the garment, the design must take into account the variable height of the print surface when printing over different layers of fabric, seams or zippers.

4-Color Process Screenprint

4-Color Process is used to create a multicolor design (usually photographic images) using four inks: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (also known as CMYK). These colors can be used in combination and in varying degrees of transparency to create any color.

This process works best on light-colored shirts because the transparent CMYK inks tend to pick up the hue of the shirt underneath them.

Glow In the Dark Ink

Glow in the Dark special effect inks are great for many uses. They can enhance a design to make it stand out or can be used as a stand-alone special effect on a shirt.

Great for Halloween shirts, rock designs, or any design that you want to glow in the dark!

In normal light, Glow in the Dark ink is transparent, but in the dark the design appears as if it is glowing. The glowing effect is activated by prolonged exposure to sunlight or interior light.

Reflective Ink

Reflective ink is both functional for safety projects and a cool effect for designers to play with.

Garments printed with reflective ink provide enhanced visibility for joggers, cyclists, construction workers and kids.

Create a fashion statement for nightclubs by using this technique on branded and event merchandise.

Reflective ink reflects bright light (like headlights) and is perfect for high-visibility apparel. It is best for larger areas of print and on simple designs with few thin lines.

Foil Imprinting

Foil is great when looking to create a reflective surface on a garment and make your designs POP.

A special thin layer of metallic foil is added after printing and then heat pressed. It works well as a design accent or as a bold, iconic statement. This process has most commonly been seen in high-end fashion brands such as Ed Hardy® and Affliction®.

Available in various colors, including Gold, Silver, Red, Blue, Black, Copper, Hot Pink, Light Pink, and Clear. Our process achieves professional results, and your foil prints will look superior to many of the top-name brands on the market.*

Glitter/Metallic Inks

Glitter and Metallic inks are the best way to bring sparkle into any design.
Glitter pieces are combined with any color ink to add a fun and attractive sparkle to the design. It is still very durable since it is a screen-printed ink, making glitter both an exciting and versatile choice. Silver and gold are the standard colors offered; additional charges may apply for custom colors.

Metallic inks are another options for you to achieve “shine” in your design. The most durable, it is the best choice for athletic or school items that need to be robust for constant wear. When light is reflected off of the ink, it causes it to shine. Metallic inks work best when there are no small details to fill, as the ink is a bit thicker than normal.


Rhinestones are small stones (made from varying materials) that are created to resemble diamonds.

Embellishing a garment with rhinestones adds a touch of dazzle to the finished product.

Create custom rhinestone apparel women want to wear! Rhinestones are perfect for cheerleaders, sports teams, ladies’ groups and sororities.

Available in many sizes and colors, including Clear Crystal, Light Yellow, Topaz, Light Green, Green, Emerald, Teal, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Light Sapphire, Cobalt Blue, and Orange.

DTG Printing

DTG we print "Direct to Garment" by machine. This works when you have a small quantity of shirts and you want a whole lot of colors on them. 

This is your best method for that need. 

Other Needs

High Volume Prints

Do you need 1,000 of shirts? We can help. 

Do you need "Drop Shipping" of your order?  We can Help

Do you need to take orders on line and have a store that let's people pay on line? We can help

Your Needs + Our Printing = Happy 

We hold your hand. We know purchasing shirts can be confusing. We like to make it easy. We love creating and printing shirts. It never gets old. 

With us you have options. You can email us your ideas info@firesigninc.com and let us know how many you need and when you need them by. This way we take care of all the details for you. We know these shirts. 

If you want the softest most bestest shirt currently. Check the shirt out here the N6210. It may not look like much, but don't let that fool you. It feels like pajamas. 

Are you looking for sustainable options? We have them. Need different shirts, for different team members with the same logo? We can help.

We like to make it easy. You can browse our site and design your own shirt or you can just send us what you have and we make it look pretty. 

Or, we can design your shirt from scratch, see OUR WORK here

Unmatched Quality

We stand behind our products. There is a reason we have printed T-Shirts for over 19 Years. We are good at it.  

We have repeat clients that come back monthly, quarterly and annually. We can print on unusual parts, we can print details. 

We can print on ALL apparel, Hoodies, Sweatshirts, Polo Shirts and More. We love getting creative. We can even print INSIDE the Hoodie

Ready to Get Started with an Order? 

Let's Bring Your Vision to Reality

Most Popular Apparel for Screen Printing



Business Apparel

Team Gear


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