Jen Lyles
Lead Ignitor for FireSign Inc. Promotional Product Expert, Branding Ambassador. Lover of all things cool, music and God.
The Power of Promotional Products You know… after 13 years in this Promotional Product business I have learned a lot. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have learned ALL these products are NOT CREATED EQUAL! Unlike our fellow humans and equality. You can have the SAME exact pen on the surface at a …
GREAT article!
Okay…check this out. Anyone that knows “Jen Lyles”, knows, I like to have a GOOD TIME! It’s my favorite thing to do. When I’m working with you. I like to have a good time. We when we create a product that didn’t exist until some great minds came together… …
Product of the day! 16 oz contigo west loop Double Wall Tumblers! Contigo Tumblers Place order here:
Just in Time for the Holidays! We have Etched Wine Boxes! Large Variety! See all the options here! Video of details below! Fuastini Wine Box See all the Wine Variety Here!
Mondays come…and Mondays go. But they can be BEAUTIFUL! If you just let go! Enjoy the now! It’s beautiful. Now, we want to share with you…what is making our Monday SO BRIGHT! Enjoy!
In this modern day. We have life. It’s BEAUTIFUL! It really is. The reality of this beautiful gift is that you don’t know when it’s over. You really don’t and everyday, it plays out like a real life movie. You in fact wake up to “your part”. Some of us …
Because who doesn’t LOVE a GREAT HAPPY HOUR!? The thought crossed my mind. What if “every hour” was in fact “happy hour”? Why do we only get 1 hour? Why not Happy Day? Happy Life? Happy …just happy! Because then as a human beings…we would be bored. We would complain …
It’s a BEAUTIFUL place to be! Very comfortable and richly appealing. The interesting component of this is, it’s not free. “Luxury and Free” usually are not friends of each other. They somewhat stand on separate sides at a party. Yet everyone loves “Luxury!” But WHO doesn’t love great “Free …